iphone - PhoneGap/iOS - 如何让 Childbrowser 忽略指向 Appstore 的链接?

标签 iphone objective-c ios cordova phonegap-plugins

我有一个应用正在升级到 iOS5 SDK 和 Phonegap 1.0.0

Childbrowser 插件工作正常,但是当单击 iTunes 应用程序商店的链接时 - 该链接会在 Childbrowser 窗口中打开。

我更希望它直接在 Appstore 中打开,如果我不使用 ChildBrowser 插件就会出现这种情况。



这就是 AppDelegate 的修改方式


- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
return [ super webView:theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:request navigationType:navigationType ];


- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:
(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:
NSURL *url = [request URL];
if ([[url scheme] isEqualToString:@"gap"] || [url isFileURL]) {
return [ super webView:theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:request
navigationType:navigationType ];
else {
ChildBrowserViewController* childBrowser =
[ [ ChildBrowserViewController alloc ] initWithScale:FALSE ];
[super.viewController presentModalViewController:childBrowser
animated:YES ];
[childBrowser loadURL:[url description]];
[childBrowser release];
return NO;

我使用了这篇博文中概述的方法来启动并运行 Childbrowser http://iphonedevlog.wordpress.com/2011/09/24/installing-childbrowser-into-xcode-4-with-phonegap-1-0-mac-os-x-snow-leopard/

关于如何改变它以产生所需的 Action 有什么想法吗?



您需要检查您的网址是否包含http://itunes.apple.com/使用 rangeOfString: 方法和 location 属性作为子字符串。
请确认您的 javascript 调用了这样的 url,

或者您可以使用任何 jquery 方法。
请将 shouldStartLoadWithRequest: 方法替换为以下代码段。

 * Start Loading Request
 * This is where most of the magic happens... We take the request(s) and process the response.
 * From here we can re direct links and other protocalls to different internal methods.
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:
(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:
  NSURL *url = [request URL];
  if ([[url scheme] isEqualToString:@"gap"] || [url isFileURL]) {
    return [ super webView:theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:request
            navigationType:navigationType ];
  else {
    //here we will check whether urlString has http://itunes.apple.com/ as substring or not
    NSString* urlString=[url absoluteString];
    if ([urlString rangeOfString:@"http://itunes.apple.com/"].location == NSNotFound){
      ChildBrowserViewController* childBrowser = [ [ ChildBrowserViewController alloc ] initWithScale:FALSE ];
      childBrowser.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;
      childBrowser.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;   
      [super.viewController presentModalViewController:childBrowser animated:YES ];   
      [childBrowser loadURL:urlString];
      [childBrowser release];
      return NO;      
      return YES;      


关于iphone - PhoneGap/iOS - 如何让 Childbrowser 忽略指向 Appstore 的链接?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7971010/


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