swift - UI测试: How to test if label contains some text after changes?

标签 swift ios9 xcode-ui-testing

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如何编写 UITest 来检查我的标签(当前带有文本:2)是否已将其值更改为 3 或不是在我点击加号按钮之后。


let app = XCUIApplication()    
let textPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "label = %@", "3")
expectationForPredicate(textPredicate, evaluatedWithObject: app.staticTexts["numberOfItemsLabel"], handler: nil)

关于swift - UI测试: How to test if label contains some text after changes?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32273107/


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