iphone - 使用我的 GPS 位置对位置的 NSMutableArray 进行排序

标签 iphone objective-c ios nsmutablearray core-location

我想对一个 NSMutableArray 进行排序,其中每一行都是一个 NSMutableDictionary,我的 GPS 位置来自 CoreLocation 框架。

这是我的 POI 数组的示例

arrayCampi = (
    cap = 28100;
    "cell_phone" = "";
    championship = "IBL 1D";
    citta = Novara;
    division = "";
    email = "";
    fax = 0321457933;
    indirizzo = "Via Patti, 14";
    latitude = "45.437174";
    league = "";
    longitude = "8.596029";
    name = "Comunale M. Provini";
    naz = Italy;
    prov = NO;
    reg = Piemonte;
    sport = B;
    surname = "Elettra Energia Novara 2000";
    telefono = 03211816389;
    webaddress = "http://www.novarabaseball.it/";



+ (NSMutableArray *)sortBallparkList:(NSMutableArray *)arrayCampi location:(CLLocation *)myLocation  {

    if ([arrayCampi count] == 0) {
        return arrayCampi;

    if (myLocation.coordinate.latitude == 0.00 &&
        myLocation.coordinate.longitude == 0.00) {
        return arrayCampi;

    NSMutableArray *sortedArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:arrayCampi];

    BOOL finito = FALSE;
    NSDictionary *riga1, *riga2;

    while (!finito) {
        for (int i = 0; i < [sortedArray count] - 1; i++) {

            finito = TRUE;
            riga1 = [sortedArray objectAtIndex: i];
            riga2 = [sortedArray objectAtIndex: i+1];

            CLLocationDistance distanceA = [myLocation distanceFromLocation:
                                            [[CLLocation alloc]initWithLatitude:[[riga1 valueForKey:@"latitude"] doubleValue]                                             
                                                                      longitude:[[riga1 valueForKey:@"longitude"] doubleValue]]];
            CLLocationDistance distanceB = [myLocation distanceFromLocation:
                                            [[CLLocation alloc]initWithLatitude:[[riga2 valueForKey:@"latitude"] doubleValue]
                                                                      longitude:[[riga2 valueForKey:@"longitude"] doubleValue]]];
            if (distanceA > distanceB) {
                [riga1 retain];
                [riga2 retain];

                [sortedArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i+1 withObject:riga2];
                [sortedArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:riga1];

                [riga1 release];
                [riga2 release];

                finito = FALSE;

    return sortedArray;





float distance = sqrtf(powf((origLat-destLat),2)+powf((origLon-destLon), 2));

只需使用 @"distance" 键将其添加到您的字典中,然后使用

NSArray *sorted = [arrayOfDictionaries sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:
     @[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"distance" ascending:YES]]];

*) 这是一个近似值,因为理论上两点之间的距离是椭圆体表面上的一条曲线。

关于iphone - 使用我的 GPS 位置对位置的 NSMutableArray 进行排序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12841428/


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