ios - 1.10.0 SDK 中是否弃用了 Parse 崩溃报告

标签 ios parse-platform

我已经离开 Parse 一年多了,记得他们曾经在 iOS 上提供崩溃报告服务,如果我没记错的话,在 SDK 中曾经有一个 PareCrashReporting.framework作为下载包的一部分。

昨天我下载了 1.10.0 SDK,发现没有支持 ParseCrashReporting 框架的二进制文件。我觉得这有点奇怪所以我决定咨询the documentation我仍然没有找到崩溃报告的实现。

在 iOS 中,在设置应用程序 ID 和客户端 key 之前,您可以:

Parse.setApplicationId("xyz", clientKey: "abc")


有人知道如何在 1.10 中设置崩溃报告吗?或者我是否需要寻找替代提供商来跟踪我的应用程序崩溃?


这是我从 Parse 收到的一封电子邮件。

Hi there,

At Parse, we're always working to improve your developer experience. Last December, we launched Parse Crash Reporting with the goals of recognizing, tracking, and ultimately resolving crashes in your app.

In the time since, we've seen huge strides being made within the industry's native solutions. These native experiences have the advantage of being more tightly integrated into your build and release process, offering a more robust, streamlined, and frictionless development experience for you.

The Parse Crash Reporting tool is now being deprecated in favor of these great native solutions. We will continue supporting Parse Crash Reporting until March 1, 2016.

Here's how you can smoothly switch from Parse Crash Reporting to Apple or Google's offerings:

Apple Docs | Google Docs

We're constantly tackling new challenges to help you build better than ever before. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns to

The Parse Team

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