ios - 功能执行延迟(请求访问权限后)IOS

标签 ios swift3 ekeventstore

我需要获得使用 iOS 提醒的权限,为此我正在这样做:

switch EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .reminder) {
case .authorized:                    
    print("Access granted")
    //everything's normal here
    //executing my function here

case .denied:
    print("Access denied")
case .notDetermined:       
    print("not defined yet")

    //No determined so asking for permission
    self.eventStore.requestAccess(to: .reminder) { (granted, error) -> Void in
        if granted == true {
            print("permission granted")

           //executing my function here after getting permissions but this piece of code executes after a long delay 
           //this piece of codes are executing after a while say 5-10 seconds

        }else if error != nil{       
            print("ther's an error : \(error)")

    print("Case Default")

如上所述,当应用程序提示用户获得提醒权限并且用户授予权限时,我的下一个功能得到执行但过了一段时间(5-10 秒)



requestAccess 的完成不会在主线程上被调用。将 permissions granted 代码放入 Dispatch Async 中:

DispatchQueue.main.async {
  print("permission granted")

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