ios - 为什么我们需要在iOS中设置keywindow

标签 ios swift

Whereas touch events are delivered to the window where they occurred, events that do not have a relevant coordinate value are delivered to the key window. Only one window at a time can be the key window, and you can use a window’s isKeyWindow property to determine its status. Most of the time, your app’s main window is the key window, but UIKit may designate a different window as needed.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

  // Initialize the window
  window = UIWindow.init(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)

  // Set Background Color of window
  window?.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

  // Allocate memory for an instance of the 'MainViewController' class
  let mainViewController = MainViewController()

  // Set the root view controller of the app's window
  window!.rootViewController = mainViewController

  // Make the window visible

  return true


Whereas touch events are delivered to the window where they occurred, events that do not have a relevant coordinate value are delivered to the key window




  • makeKeyAndVisible 消息生成一个窗口键,并将其移动到 在其级别的任何其他窗口前。

  • 调用 makeKeyAndVisible 用于指定哪个是当前的。

  • 它将新的 View Controller 分配给窗口的 rootViewController 属性,然后使窗口在屏幕上可见。

    - 这是一种显示当前窗口并将其放置在同一级别或更低级别的所有其他窗口前面的便捷方法。如果你只想显示窗口,改变它 隐 属性(property)给 没有 . see Apple Doc

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