ios - 'NSInvalidArgumentException',原因 : 'Receiver (**) has no segue with identifier ' * *''

标签 ios segue

我真的希望以前没有人问过这个问题。我在这个网站上花了很多时间寻找解决方案,但一直没能想出一个。我正在尝试从名为 callPerformSegue 的函数中调用 performSegueWithIdentifier。单击 UITableView 部分页脚中的 UIImageView 时调用 callPerformSegue。 callPerformSegue 函数如下:

- (void)callPerformSegue {
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"bannerPressed" sender:self];

我在 Storyboard 中正确识别了 bannerPressed segue,因为如果我将 performSegueWithIdentifier 调用移动到 didSelectRowAtIndexPath 中,segue 就会正确执行。但是,当从 callPerformSegue 调用时,我得到以下信息:

'NSInvalidArgumentException', 原因:'接收者 (****) 没有标识符为'bannerPressed'的segue'



我从我的 BannerView 类调用函数 callPerformSegue,它是 UIImageView 的子类。当有人点击横幅时,此类会处理触摸事件,并确定在收到触摸时显示的图像。

- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    //Get the time of the click
    NSDate *animationStart;
    NSDate *clickTime;
    clickTime = [NSDate date];

    NSMutableArray *bannerArrayFromDictionary = [self.bannerDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:self.currentSection]];

    //Calculate the time elapsed since animationStart and clickTime
    animationStart = [bannerArrayFromDictionary objectAtIndex:0];

    int secondsElapsed = [clickTime timeIntervalSinceDate:animationStart];

    //Determine the number of elements for the section
    int numberOfImagesForSection = [bannerArrayFromDictionary count] - 1;

    //Determine the index into the animationArrary
    int imageClickedIndex = (secondsElapsed / 5) % numberOfImagesForSection;

    //Add 1 to the index to compensate for the timestamp

    //Get the image name
    NSString *clickedImage = [bannerArrayFromDictionary objectAtIndex:imageClickedIndex];

    //Set the image name in CategoryViewController so that a segue to the Detail Page can be performed
    CategoryViewController *view = [[CategoryViewController alloc] init];
    view.currentImage = clickedImage;
    [view callPerformSegue];



横幅 View .h

@property (strong,nonatomic) IBOutlet id  delegate;


[self.delegate callPerformSegue];


bannerView.delegate = self;

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