iphone - IOS 5 中的唯一标识符

标签 iphone ios ios5


Possible Duplicate:
Unique identifier for an iPhone app

我们的服务器数据库根据设备 UDID 识别用户,但现在 UDID 在 IOS 5 中已贬值。我无法使用它...任何人都可以帮我找出“我们如何识别设备?”。 提前致谢。


你可以使用 OpenUDID

OpenUDID is a drop-in replacement for the deprecated uniqueIdentifier property of the UIDevice class on iOS (a.k.a. UDID) and otherwise is an industry-friendly equivalent for iOS and Android, and most recently Windows C# and Silverlight (see links above).

The agenda for this community driven project is to:

Provide a reliable proxy and replacement for a universal unique device identifier. That is, persistent and sufficiently unique, on a per device basis. NOT use an obvious other sensitive unique identifier (like the MAC address) to avoid further deprecation and to protect device-level privacy concerns Enable the same OpenUDID to be accessed by any app on the same device Supply open-source code to generate and access the OpenUDID, for iOS and Android Incorporate, from the beginning, a system that will enable user opt-out to match Apple’s initial intent

关于iphone - IOS 5 中的唯一标识符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13005292/

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