ios - 使用上次结果而不是新值运行的计算器

标签 ios objective-c calculator

我知道这个问题非常具体,但相信它对任何想了解 Objective-C 计算器工作方式的人都有帮助。


- (IBAction)numberButtonPressed:(id)sender
    //Resets label after calculations are shown from previous operations
    if (isMainLabelTextTemporary)
        (mainLabel.text = @"0");
        isMainLabelTextTemporary = NO;

    NSString *numString = ((UIButton*)sender).titleLabel.text;

    //Get the string from the button label and main label
    mainLabel.text = [mainLabelString stringByAppendingFormat:numString];


- (IBAction)operandPressed:(id)sender
    //Calculate from previous operand
    [self calculate];

    //Get the NEW operand from the button pressed
    operand = ((UIButton*)sender).titleLabel.text;


- (IBAction)equalsPressed:(id)sender
    [self calculate];

    //reset operand
    operand = @"";


- (void)calculate
//Get the current value on screen 
    double currentValue = [mainLabel.text doubleValue]; 

// If we already have a value stored and the current # is not 0, operate the values 
    if (lastKnownValue != 0 && currentValue != 0)
        if ([operand isEqualToString:@"+"])
            lastKnownValue += currentValue;
        else if ([operand isEqualToString:@"-"])
            lastKnownValue -= currentValue;
        else if ([operand isEqualToString:@"×"])
            lastKnownValue *= currentValue;
        else if ([operand isEqualToString:@"/"])
            lastKnownValue /= currentValue;

        else if ([operand isEqualToString:@"xʸ"])
            lastKnownValue = (pow(lastKnownValue, currentValue));

        else if ([operand isEqualToString:@"ʸ√x"])
            lastKnownValue = (pow(lastKnownValue, 1.0/currentValue));

        lastKnownValue = currentValue;

    //Set the new value to the main label
    mainLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%F", lastKnownValue];

    isMainLabelTextTemporary = YES;


- (IBAction)clearPressed:(id)sender
    lastKnownValue = 0;
    mainLabel.text = @"0";
    isMainLabelTextTemporary = NO;
    operand = @"";

计算工作正常,结果显示正确。如果然后您按 clear 并计算其他内容,则不会出现任何问题,但是,如果在显示结果后尝试输入另一个数字,然后用它计算,则会用最后一个结果完成。 多次查看代码,尝试设置 NSLogs 以持续监控值,但没有找到错误,有什么问题吗?

编辑,解决方案:正如 Wain 的回答所暗示的那样,解决方案是重置 lastKnownValue,在计算并显示结果后这样做,将其设置为 0,以便输入新代码时,代码会覆盖它:

- (IBAction)equalsPressed:(id)sender
    [self calculate];

    //reset operand
    operand = @"";

    //reset lastKnownValue
    lastKnownValue = 0;


因为当你不清除最后一组 operand 仍然存在并且 lastKnownValuecurrentValue 都将存在(因为一个是新的一个是之前的结果)。

我猜混淆是因为你从 operandPressed: 触发计算,所以计算继续“中流”。

考虑建立用户输入的整个计算并将其作为一个整体处理的可能性,而不是单独完成每个部分并修改 lastKnownValue 的值(显然,您执行此操作的能力取决于您想要呈现给用户的界面)。

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