ios - 如何在 Swift 4.2 xcode 10 中更新 cocoapods

标签 ios iphone swift xcode

我无法在 Swift 4.2 和 xcode 10 中更新我的 razorpay cocoapods。我使用的 podfile 名称是 pod 'razorpay-pod', '1.0.24' 但我同时使用 pod install 和 pod update 命令来更新我的 cocoapods。出现这样的错误


[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "razorpay-pod":
In snapshot (Podfile.lock):
razorpay-pod (= 1.0.22)

In Podfile:
razorpay-pod (= 1.0.24)


Specs satisfying the `razorpay-pod, razorpay-pod (= 1.0.24), razorpay-pod (= 1.0.22)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.



Specs satisfying the `razorpay-pod, razorpay-pod (= 1.0.24), razorpay-pod (= 1.0.22)` dependency were found, but they **required a higher minimum deployment target.**

查找 razorpay-pod 的最低部署目标是什么,并将项目的部署目标设置为该目标。

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