ios - 如何等到“当前位置”对话框得到回答才能运行方法?

标签 ios objective-c core-location core-bluetooth

根据请求当前位置的基于 iOS 的对话框(如下图所示)的反馈推送 View Controller 的最佳做法是什么?

我正在尝试确定选择是否成功 -> 在流程中继续发送用户或失败 -> 显示一个要求他们允许当前位置的屏幕。

我已经从按下按钮分配 CLLocationManager 的方法调用此方法:

- (void) confirmInfo {

    BOOL locationAllowed = [CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled];

    if (locationAllowed==NO) {
        // Show the how-to viewcontroller
    } else {
        // Go to the next step onboarding


但我不知道如何等到输入从对话框返回来选择向用户显示哪个 VC。

enter image description here



否则,您甚至可以尝试基于 block 的结构来保持流程。 以下链接可以帮助你.. 或者

INTULocationManager *locMgr = [INTULocationManager sharedInstance];
[locMgr requestLocationWithDesiredAccuracy:INTULocationAccuracyCity
                      delayUntilAuthorized:YES  // This parameter is optional, defaults to NO if omitted
                                     block:^(CLLocation *currentLocation, INTULocationAccuracy achievedAccuracy, INTULocationStatus status) {
                                         if (status == INTULocationStatusSuccess) {
                                             // Request succeeded, meaning achievedAccuracy is at least the requested accuracy, and
                                             // currentLocation contains the device's current location.
                                         else if (status == INTULocationStatusTimedOut) {
                                             // Wasn't able to locate the user with the requested accuracy within the timeout interval.
                                             // However, currentLocation contains the best location available (if any) as of right now,
                                             // and achievedAccuracy has info on the accuracy/recency of the location in currentLocation.
                                         else {
                                             // An error occurred, more info is available by looking at the specific status returned.

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