ios - 我想将图像、名称、价格存储在一个数组中,如果我对价格值进行排序,则名称和图像必须正确排列

标签 ios objective-c nsdictionary


  imgArr =[[NSArray alloc]init];
    nameArr=[[NSArray alloc]init];
    priceArr=[[NSArray alloc]init];


        image = "";
        name = Blue;
        "option_value_id" = 40;
        price = 3;
        "price_prefix" = "+";
        "product_option_value_id" = 3;
        quantity = 300;
        subtract = 0;
        weight = 3;
        "weight_prefix" = "+";
        image = "";
        name = Green;
        "option_value_id" = 41;
        price = 1;
        "price_prefix" = "+";
        "product_option_value_id" = 1;
        quantity = 100;
        subtract = 0;
        weight = 1;
        "weight_prefix" = "+";
        image = "";
        name = Yellow;
        "option_value_id" = 42;
        price = 2;
        "price_prefix" = "+";
        "product_option_value_id" = 2;
        quantity = 200;
        subtract = 1;
        weight = 2;
        "weight_prefix" = "+";



-(NSArray *)sortArrayByPrice:(NSArray *)originalArray{
     NSSortDescriptor *sortByPrice = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"price" ascending:YES];
     NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:sortByPrice];
     NSArray *sortedArray = [originalArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
     return sortedArray;

关于ios - 我想将图像、名称、价格存储在一个数组中,如果我对价格值进行排序,则名称和图像必须正确排列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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