
标签 ios gyroscope

我使用 CMMotionManager 来访问 iOS 的陀螺仪数据。我看到有两种方法:





队列用于保证所有事件都得到处理,即使您在deviceMotionUpdateInterval 中设置的更新间隔也是如此。以比您实时处理的速度更快的速度生成事件。如果您不介意丢失事件,那么使用两者中的哪一个都没有关系,只需丢弃它们即可。

相关的 Apple 文档是 Core Motion事件处理指南部分:

For each of the data-motion types described above, the CMMotionManager class offers two approaches for obtaining motion data, a push approach and a pull approach:

  • Push. An application requests an update interval and implements a block (of a specific type) for handling the motion data; it then starts updates for that type of motion data, passing into Core Motion an operation queue as well as the block. Core Motion delivers each update to the block, which executes as a task in the operation queue.

  • Pull. An application starts updates of a type of motion data and periodically samples the most recent measurement of motion data.

The pull approach is the recommended approach for most applications, especially games; it is generally more efficient and requires less code. The push approach is appropriate for data-collection applications and similar applications that cannot miss a sample measurement.

这不是你的问题,但我想知道你是想要原始的 x、y、z 旋转还是更有用的 pitch、roll、yaw。以备后用startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue:withHandler:相反 startGyroUpdatesToQueue:withHandler: .

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