ios - Windows Azure 分页数据

标签 ios xcode azure ios7

您好,我需要从 azure 下载 2000 多条记录,当时最多可以下载 1000 条,所以我需要使用完成处理程序来下载 200 条记录。


如果我将其复制到 Xcode,则会出现错误

  • (bool)loadResults() - 错误“Expect Method Body”


移动服务限制单个响应中返回的记录数量。要控制向用户显示的记录数量,您必须实现分页系统。分页是通过使用 MSQuery 对象的以下三个属性来执行的:

BOOL 包含TotalCount

NSInteger fetchLimit

NSInteger fetchOffset

在以下示例中,一个简单的函数从服务器请求 20 条记录,然后将它们附加到先前加载的记录的本地集合中:

- (bool) loadResults() {
MSQuery *query = [self.table query];

query.includeTotalCount = YES;
query.fetchLimit = 20;
query.fetchOffset = self.loadedItems.count;
[query readWithCompletion:(NSArray *items, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error) {
    if(!error) {
        //add the items to our local copy
        [self.loadedItems addObjectsFromArray:items];

        //set a flag to keep track if there are any additional records we need to load
        self.moreResults = (self.loadedItems.count < totalCount);



如果您收到错误“Expect Method Body ”,则说明您错误地将其复制到代码中,并且存在格式问题。


在你的 .h 文件中声明

typedef void (^CompletionBlock) ();

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *results; 

在您的 .m 文件中

- (void)loadData
    self.results = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    MSClient *client = [MSClient clientWithApplicationURLString:@"YOUR_URL" applicationKey:@"YOUR_KEY"]
    MSTable *table = [client tableWithName:@"YOUR_TABLE"];
    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"YOUR_SELECT_FILTER"];
    MSQuery *query = [[MSQuery alloc] initWithTable:table predicate:predicate];
    //note the predicate is optional. If you want all rows skip the predicate
    [self loadDataRecursiveForQuery:query withCompletion:^{
        //do whatever you need to do once the data load is complete

- (void)loadDataRecursiveForQuery:(MSQuery *)query withCompletion:(CompletionBlock)completion
    query.includeTotalCount = YES;
    query.fetchLimit = 1000; //note: you can adjust this to whatever amount is optimum
    query.fetchOffset = self.results.count;
    [query readWithCompletion:(NSArray *items, NSInteger totalCount, NSError *error) {
        if(!error) {
            //add the items to our local copy
            [self.results addObjectsFromArray:items];

            if (totalCount > [results count]) {
                [self loadDataRecursiveForQuery:query withCompletion:completion];
            } else {


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