javascript - iOS 原生应用,与 Cordova 2.9.0 集成

标签 javascript ios cordova uiwebview json

我已经创建了一个 native iOS 应用程序 (Xcode 5.1),我想通过 btn、cordova(Cordova 2.9.0) web View (否则为 CDVViewController)打开。我已经成功了, WebView 有效,它向我显示了网页,但是当我嵌入 cordova.js(在网页内)时, CDV命令队列.m

- (void)fetchCommandsFromJs
// Grab all the queued commands from the JS side.
NSString* queuedCommandsJSON = [_viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
NSLog(@"---- %@",queuedCommandsJSON);
[self enqueCommandBatch:queuedCommandsJSON];
if ([queuedCommandsJSON length] > 0) {
    CDV_EXEC_LOG(@"Exec: Retrieved new exec messages by request.");

调用上面的函数并执行'cordova.require('cordova/exec').nativeFetchMessages()', 这个函数返回



- (void)executePending
// Make us re-entrant-safe.
if (_currentlyExecuting) {
@try {
    _currentlyExecuting = YES;

    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [_queue count]; ++i) {
        // Parse the returned JSON array.
        NSLog(@"%@",[_queue objectAtIndex:i]);
        **NSArray* commandBatch = [[_queue objectAtIndex:i] JSONObject];**

        // Iterate over and execute all of the commands.
        for (NSArray* jsonEntry in commandBatch) {
            CDVInvokedUrlCommand* command = [CDVInvokedUrlCommand commandFromJson:jsonEntry];
            CDV_EXEC_LOG(@"Exec(%@): Calling %@.%@", command.callbackId, command.className, command.methodName);

            if (![self execute:command]) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                    NSString* commandJson = [jsonEntry JSONString];
                    static NSUInteger maxLogLength = 1024;
                    NSString* commandString = ([commandJson length] > maxLogLength) ?
                        [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@[...]", [commandJson substringToIndex:maxLogLength]] :

                    DLog(@"FAILED pluginJSON = %@", commandString);

    [_queue removeAllObjects];
} @finally
    _currentlyExecuting = NO;


NSArray* commandBatch = [[_queue objectAtIndex:i] JSONObject];

无法将值识别为 json 对象,它给了我这个错误消息

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString JSONObject]: unrecognized selector sent to instance



最近在新的 Xcode 中构建旧的 cordova 应用程序时遇到了同样的情况。

你应该检查Other linker flags在您的目标设置中:

Other linker flags

对于 debug构建配置你可以使用-ObjC旗帜。 ( What does the -ObjC linker flag do? , Why do I get a runtime exception of "selector not recognized" when linking against an Objective-C static library that contains categories? )

如果阅读之前的链接后,您仍想在 release 中使用此标志— 就去做吧。

否则,您应该添加 -force_load ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/libCordova.a到发布链接器标志。

为了检查/编辑事件构建配置,请转到 Product > Scheme > Edit scheme (Cmd <)。

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