ios - EKEventStore 访问请求在 iOS 10 上崩溃。消息 :The app's Info. plist 必须包含 NSRemindersUsageDescription 键

标签 ios ekeventstore


 EKEventStore* eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];
 [eventStore requestAccessToEntityType:EKEntityTypeReminder  
            completion:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) {


应用程序的 Info.plist 已经包含 NSRemindersUsageDescription 键和 NSCalendarsUsageDescription 键, 但 下面的代码在 iOS 8 和 9 上运行良好,但在 iOS 10 上它崩溃了。比如:

  [access] This app has crashed because it attempted to access 
   privacy-sensitive data without a usage description.  
   The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCalendarsUsageDescription key 
   with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.


ios10 中:

您应该在 Info.plist 中添加 NSRemindersUsageDescription 访问配置列表:

方法 1) 如果您在 Xcode 中打开您的 info.plist,请按照下图操作:


click Info.plist


click the add button

设置 key NSRemindersUsageDescription

set the rescribe name


fill the value  why your app need user’s this permission


如果您在Info.plist中添加NSRemindersUsageDescription,然后出现错误,您添加NSRemindersUsageDescription 在你的 TARGET 中,试一试:

add describe in target


<string>the describe of your need this permissions </string>

关于ios - EKEventStore 访问请求在 iOS 10 上崩溃。消息 :The app's Info. plist 必须包含 NSRemindersUsageDescription 键,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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