iphone - NSMutableDictionary 不设置键

标签 iphone objective-c ios xcode



    //setters for the limits
    NSLog(@"Log ageUnder18: %@", ageUnder18.text);   //returns Y
    NSMutableDictionary *cardLimits;
    [cardLimits setObject:ageUnder18.text forKey:@"ageUnder18"];
    NSLog(@"Just set %@", [cardLimits objectForKey:@"ageUnder18"]); //returns NULL

//more code here

为什么返回 NULL?

提前致谢, 詹姆斯


您没有初始化您的变量。事实上,您很幸运没有在 -setObject:forKey: 行上完全崩溃。您的 cardLimits 变量当前持有垃圾内存,即变量占用地址处堆栈中的任何内容。你需要使用

NSMutableDictionary *cardLimits = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];


关于iphone - NSMutableDictionary 不设置键,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7534287/


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