iOS build设置属性列表输出编码

标签 ios

什么是属性列表输出编码?如果设置为二进制,它是否真的压缩了 plist 文件?


如果设置为 binary,Xcode 似乎会接收任何 XML 属性列表并将它们作为二进制属性列表保存到应用程序包中。二进制属性列表的文件格式比 XML 属性列表更紧凑,但我不知道您是否称它为压缩的。

来自Property List Programming Guide :

XML property lists are more portable than the binary alternative and can be manually edited, but binary property lists are much more compact; as a result, they require less memory and can be read and written much faster than XML property lists. In general, if your property list is relatively small, the benefits of XML property lists outweigh the I/O speed and compactness that comes with binary property lists.

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