objective-c - 像 Twitter 的 Compose Button 一样的全局/持久 UIBarButtonItem?

标签 objective-c ios cocoa-touch uinavigationcontroller

我有一个带有很多 viewControllersUINavigationController,我想在右上角添加一个 UIBarButtonItem。我这样做了,但我必须对每个 View Controller 单独执行此操作。添加一次并在整个应用程序中保留它的最佳模式是什么?


是的,您可以像在 appDelegate 中一样创建一个全局函数,并在该函数上传递一些参数。比如传递你的 navigationController、target、selector。


- (UIBarbuttonItem *) rightBarButtonGlobal:(UINavigationItem*)navigationItem target:(id)target {
  //you can also pass nsstring for title and selector for you desired selector.
  //But as per your question I assume you want a application logo like button in navigation bar. If that is the case just pass navigationItem as parameter.Create your logo button and assign to navigationItem.
  //Allocate button here
  navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = button;
  [button release];

关于objective-c - 像 Twitter 的 Compose Button 一样的全局/持久 UIBarButtonItem?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6554733/


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