ios - 更改不同类的 CCSpeed Action ?

标签 ios cocos2d-iphone freeze

所以我正在尝试将 Cocos2D 示例中的 EaseActionsTest 示例中的 alterTime 方法实现到我的游戏中。

我正在尝试将这个想法实现到我的游戏中,为我的游戏创建一个卡住时间类型的能量提升。我已经设置了一个带有 CCMenu 的单独 HUDLayer,以将小行星的 CCSpeed 更改为 0 以停止移动。我已经设置了一个 CCLog 来确保我的 freezeTime 方法被调用,它确实调用了,但小行星的 CCSpeeds 不受影响。为了更清楚起见,这是我的代码。


#import "ActionLayer.h"

@interface HUDLayer : CCLayer {
    GameObject *asteroid;


    id action = [asteroid getActionByTag:kTagAsteroidAction];
    [action setSpeed:0.0f];

    CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
    CCSprite *freeze = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"powerup.png"];
    CCMenuItem *freezeButton = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalSprite:freeze selectedSprite:nil target:self selector:@selector(freezeTime)];

    CCMenu *powerUpMenu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:freezeButton, nil];
    powerUpMenu.position = ccp(winSize.width * 0.5, winSize.height * 0.1);
    [self addChild:powerUpMenu];

    if( (self = [super init]) )
        [self createPowerUpButtons];
    return self;


#import "HUDLayer.h"
#import "GameObject.h"

enum Actions
    kTagAsteroidAction = 1
@interface ActionLayer : CCLayer
    GameObject *asteroid;

    // ---------------------------------------------
    //  Code to set random sizes and speeds for the asteroids from the array...
    // ---------------------------------------------

        // Move it offscreen to the left, and when it's done, call removeNode
        id action = [CCSequence actions:
                     [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:randDuration position:ccp(-winSize.width - asteroid.contentSize.width, 0)],
                     [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(invisNode:)], nil];
        [action setTag:kTagAsteroidAction];

        [asteroid runAction:[CCSpeed actionWithAction:action speed:1.0f]];

        [self schedule:@selector(freezeTime:) interval:1.0f];

    [self updateAsteroids:dt];

我试图尽可能接近 EaseActionsTest 示例,但我在启动时一直收到此错误:

'+[NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:]: method signature argument cannot be nil'

我认为这是因为 -(void)freezeTime:(ccTime)dt,因为在此之前,我最初只是尝试使用 -(void)freezeTime ;我会收到我在 freezeTime 方法中设置的 CCLog,因为它正在被调用,但小行星的速度没有受到影响。


    id action = [asteroid getActionByTag:kTagAsteroidAction];
    [action setSpeed:0.1f];

    if( (self = [super init]) )
        [self freezeTime];
    return self;




嗯...我认为当您决定对您的小行星执行操作时存在错误。 Action 应该随着时间的推移而起作用,您通常会运行一次 Action ,然后等待它完成。我看到您正在为每一帧的小行星添加 Action ,这可能是问题所在。我会更改函数的名称及其调用次数。

-(void)createAsteroidMovement: (GameObject*) asteroid
    // ---------------------------------------------
    //  Code to set random sizes and speeds for the asteroids from the array...
    // ---------------------------------------------

        // Move it offscreen to the left, and when it's done, call removeNode
        id action = [CCSequence actions:
                     [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:randDuration position:ccp(-winSize.width - asteroid.contentSize.width, 0)],
                 [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(invisNode:)], nil];
        [action setTag:kTagAsteroidAction];

        [asteroid runAction:[CCSpeed actionWithAction:action speed:1.0f]];

        [self schedule:@selector(freezeTime:) interval:1.0f];

     if (!_createdAsteroidMovement)
         [self createAsteroidMovement: asteroid];
         _createdAsteroidMovement = true;

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