iphone - 将多个 UIImages 插入到 "container"

标签 iphone objective-c ios animation uiimageview

我想知道是否可以将多个图像插入到 objective-c 中的“容器”中。





你为什么不制作一个自定义 View 并将所有图像放入其中,并且可以在该 View 上执行所有操作,


        // check all the added view, if needs to be displayed, then displayed them. 
        int visibleViews = [self getVisibleViews];

        if(visibleViews ==  0 ){
            // if no more views to be displayed, then then let it not be visible, 
            [[self window] orderOut:self];

            // do it will not be visible to anyone 

        [self resize:visibleViews];

        int viewsPerSide = [self getViewsPerRow];//ceil(sqrt(count)); 

        int count = [pViewArray count];

        int viewIndex=0;
        NSInteger index = 0;
        NSPoint curPoint = NSZeroPoint;

        // Starting at the bottom left corner
        // we should check all visible views 
        for ( int i = 0; i < count ; i++ ) {

            // it will give only the view that needs to be shown
            NSView *subview = [self getViewAtIndex:i];//(NSView *)[pViewArray objectAtIndex:i];

            // is this visible 
            if(![self isViewVisibleAtIndex:i])

            // is view visible 

            // if we have view to display then lets display it. 
                //[[[self window] contentView]setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
                [[[self window]contentView] addSubview:subview ];
                [self checkMask:viewIndex view:subview];

                // let all the frame have same rect, regardless what are those 
                NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(curPoint.x, curPoint.y, BOXWIDTH, BOXHEIGHT);
                // add them into the subview 
                NSRect newFrame = [self integralRect:frame];
                [subview setFrame:newFrame];
                [[subview animator] setFrame:[self integralRect:frame]];

                [self setSubViewMask:subview ContentView:[[self window]contentView]];

                // Now set the point 
                curPoint.x += BOXWIDTH + SEPARATION;                        // Stack them horizontally
                if ((++index) % viewsPerSide == 0) {                        // And if we have enough on this row, move up to the next
                    curPoint.x = 0;                
                    curPoint.y += BOXHEIGHT + SEPARATION;

        NSArray *pSubViewsArray = [[[self window]contentView]subviews];
        int arrayCount = [pSubViewsArray count];

        debugLog<<"Array Count"<<arrayCount<<endl;


关于iphone - 将多个 UIImages 插入到 "container",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10832578/


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