Font Awesome 图标的 CSS 特性

标签 css sass

我正在从 icon--apply 而不是 .classname__icon--apply 中选取我的图标颜色。这不违反 CSS 特异性规则吗?我在这里遗漏了什么吗?


您将 BEM 与特定性混淆了。


There's a whole bunch of selectors but for our purposes, we can break it down into three types, of increasing importance:

  1. Element selectors (and pseudo-element selectors) Eg. p {color:red;}
  2. Class selectors (and attribute selectors) Eg. .myclass {color:red;}
  3. ID selectors. Eg. #myid {color:red;}

BEM 是 CSS 类的命名约定。 您可以决定是否要使用它。这是可选的。

The Block, Element, Modifier methodology (commonly referred to as BEM) is a popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. Developed by the team at Yandex, its goal is to help developers better understand the relationship between the HTML and CSS in a given project.

另一个命名约定是 Atomic CSS,您可以在其中使用许多小型的单一用途类 - 例如 .color-red。 您可以在这里阅读更多相关信息:

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