html - Bootstrap 4 创建六列布局

标签 html css twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4

我正在为我的设计使用 Bootstrap 布局,我正试图将它变成一个


也许有人可以给我正确的结构和 CSS。而这里的问题

是当我尝试添加额外的步骤时,即第 4 步、第 5 步和第 6 步重叠



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    font-size: 1.5em;
    font-family: "Give You Glory", cursive;
    font-weight: 700;
    color: #fff;

.step .icon img,
.step .icon svg {
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    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 34px;
    height: 34px;

.how-it-works .step-2 {
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@media (max-width: 543px) {
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@media (min-width: 544px) and (max-width: 767px) {
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@media (min-width: 1200px) {
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<section class="how-it-works">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="text-xs-center">
                    <h2>How We Work</h2>
                    <div class="row how-it-works-solution">
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 how-it-works-steps white-txt col1">
                            <div class="how-it-works-wrap">
                                <div class="step step-1">
                                    <div class="icon" data-step="1">
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                                    <p>Register with your email</p>
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 how-it-works-steps white-txt col2">
                            <div class="step step-2">
                                <div class="icon" data-step="2">
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                                <p>Use search in the page</p>
                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 how-it-works-steps white-txt col3">
                            <div class="step step-3">
                                <div class="icon" data-step="3">
                                    <svg xmlns="" width="512" height="512" viewbox="0 0 612.001 612">
                                        <path d="M604.131 440.17h-19.12V333.237c0-12.512-3.776-24.787-10.78-35.173l-47.92-70.975a62.99 62.99 0 0 0-52.169-27.698h-74.28c-8.734 0-15.737 7.082-15.737 15.738v225.043h-121.65c11.567 9.992 19.514 23.92 21.796 39.658H412.53c4.563-31.238 31.475-55.396 63.972-55.396 32.498 0 59.33 24.158 63.895 55.396h63.735c4.328 0 7.869-3.541 7.869-7.869V448.04c-.001-4.327-3.541-7.87-7.87-7.87zM525.76 312.227h-98.044a7.842 7.842 0 0 1-7.868-7.869v-54.372c0-4.328 3.541-7.869 7.868-7.869h59.724c2.597 0 4.957 1.259 6.452 3.305l38.32 54.451c3.619 5.194-.079 12.354-6.452 12.354zM476.502 440.17c-27.068 0-48.943 21.953-48.943 49.021 0 26.99 21.875 48.943 48.943 48.943 26.989 0 48.943-21.953 48.943-48.943 0-27.066-21.954-49.021-48.943-49.021zm0 73.495c-13.535 0-24.472-11.016-24.472-24.471 0-13.535 10.937-24.473 24.472-24.473 13.533 0 24.472 10.938 24.472 24.473 0 13.455-10.938 24.471-24.472 24.471zM68.434 440.17c-4.328 0-7.869 3.543-7.869 7.869v23.922c0 4.328 3.541 7.869 7.869 7.869h87.971c2.282-15.738 10.229-29.666 21.718-39.658H68.434v-.002zm151.864 0c-26.989 0-48.943 21.953-48.943 49.021 0 26.99 21.954 48.943 48.943 48.943 27.068 0 48.943-21.953 48.943-48.943.001-27.066-21.874-49.021-48.943-49.021zm0 73.495c-13.534 0-24.471-11.016-24.471-24.471 0-13.535 10.937-24.473 24.471-24.473s24.472 10.938 24.472 24.473c0 13.455-10.938 24.471-24.472 24.471zm117.716-363.06h-91.198c4.485 13.298 6.846 27.54 6.846 42.255 0 74.28-60.431 134.711-134.711 134.711-13.535 0-26.675-2.045-39.029-5.744v86.949c0 4.328 3.541 7.869 7.869 7.869h265.96c4.329 0 7.869-3.541 7.869-7.869V174.211c-.001-13.062-10.545-23.606-23.606-23.606zM118.969 73.866C53.264 73.866 0 127.129 0 192.834s53.264 118.969 118.969 118.969 118.97-53.264 118.97-118.969-53.265-118.968-118.97-118.968zm0 210.864c-50.752 0-91.896-41.143-91.896-91.896s41.144-91.896 91.896-91.896c50.753 0 91.896 41.144 91.896 91.896 0 50.753-41.143 91.896-91.896 91.896zm35.097-72.488c-1.014 0-2.052-.131-3.082-.407L112.641 201.5a11.808 11.808 0 0 1-8.729-11.396v-59.015c0-6.516 5.287-11.803 11.803-11.803 6.516 0 11.803 5.287 11.803 11.803v49.971l29.614 7.983c6.294 1.698 10.02 8.177 8.322 14.469-1.421 5.264-6.185 8.73-11.388 8.73z" fill="#FFF" /> </svg>
                                <p>Pay now at the checkout</p>
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                        <p class="pay-info">Simple steps to follow</p>


您要做的第一件事是将 col-md-4 更改为 col-md-2。

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-2 how-it-works-steps white-txt col3">

Bootstrap 使用 12 列网格,因此 12/2 = 6 列


编辑: 添加在箭头中

关于html - Bootstrap 4 创建六列布局,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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