Swift 4 JSONEncoder 不能对 String 或 Int 进行编码,但它们遵循 Codable 协议(protocol)

标签 swift jsonencoder

let encoder = JSONEncoder()

do {
   let encodData = try encoder.encode("test string") // same as Int type
   print(encodData) // nil
} catch let err {
   print(err.localizedDescription) // The data couldn’t be written because it isn’t in the correct format.



顶级(根)JSON 对象只能是数组或字典。例如:

do {
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    let encodData = try encoder.encode(["test string"])
    print(String(data: encodData, encoding: .utf8)!) 
    // ["test string"]

} catch {

关于Swift 4 JSONEncoder 不能对 String 或 Int 进行编码,但它们遵循 Codable 协议(protocol),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49668246/


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