html - 如何仅更改外部 div 中所有特定元素标签的 CSS 样式?

标签 html css css-selectors

假设我有下面的 HTML 代码,这里我只想更改颜色 <a>外部 div 中的元素标签 #my_div_1仅。


#my_div_1 a{
    color: red;

<div id="my_div_1">

    <a href="#">change the colour </a><br>
    <a href="#">change the colour </a><br>      
    <b> Not change my colour</b><br>            

    <div id="my_div_2">
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>

    <a href="#">change the colour </a>  <br>        
    <b> Not change my colour</b> <br>               

    <div id="my_div_3"> 
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>        

    <a href="#">change the colour </a> <br>
    <b> Not change my colour</b>  <br>       


enter image description here



使用 >对于 the immediate children or child combinator .和以前一样,它正在选择所有后代 <a> (基本上所有 <a> 都嵌套在 #my_div_1 中)


In CSS, combinators allow you to combine multiple selectors together, which allows you to select elements inside other elements, or adjacent to other elements. The four available types are:

-最后两个被排除在外,因为我们主要关心的是后代而不是 sibling 。

The descendant selector — (space) — allows you to select an element nested somewhere inside another element (not necessarily a direct descendant; it could be a grandchild, for example)


The child selector> — allows you to select an element that is an immediate child of another element.

--MDN - Simple Selectors - Combinators


#my_div_1 > a{
    color: red;

<div id="my_div_1">             
    <a href="#">change the colour </a><br>
    <a href="#">change the colour </a><br>      
    <b> Not change my colour</b><br>            

    <div id="my_div_2">
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>

    <a href="#">change the colour </a>  <br>        
    <b> Not change my colour</b> <br>               

    <div id="my_div_3"> 
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>
        <a href="#">Not change my colour </a><br>        

    <a href="#">change the colour </a> <br>
    <b> Not change my colour</b>  <br>       


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