php - 如何将特色内容放在商店内容下方

标签 php html css wordpress wordpress-theming

我有一些功能内容想放在我的商店内容之后,但是商店内容是在一个 php 文件中生成的,而功能内容是在 wordpress 页面中以静态 html 编写的。功能内容出现在商店内容之前,我需要切换它。



enter image description here

这是商店内容的 php 代码:

 * Loop shop template
 * Do not edit or add directly to this file if you wish to upgrade Jigoshop to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customise Jigoshop core for your needs,
 * please use our GitHub repository to publish essential changes for consideration.
 * @package    Jigoshop
 * @category   Catalog
 * @author     Jigowatt
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2011 Jigowatt Ltd.
 * @license

global $columns, $per_page;


$loop = 0;

if (!isset($columns) || !$columns) $columns = apply_filters('loop_shop_columns', 4);
//if (!isset($per_page) || !$per_page) $per_page = apply_filters('loop_shop_per_page', get_option('posts_per_page'));

//if ($per_page > get_option('posts_per_page')) query_posts( array_merge( $wp_query->query, array( 'posts_per_page' => $per_page ) ) );


if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $_product = &new jigoshop_product( $post->ID ); $loop++;

    <li class="product <?php if ($loop%$columns==0) echo 'last'; if (($loop-1)%$columns==0) echo 'first'; ?>">

        <?php do_action('jigoshop_before_shop_loop_item'); ?>

        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">

            <?php do_action('jigoshop_before_shop_loop_item_title', $post, $_product); ?>

            <strong><?php the_title(); ?></strong>

            <?php do_action('jigoshop_after_shop_loop_item_title', $post, $_product); ?>


        <?php do_action('jigoshop_after_shop_loop_item', $post, $_product); ?>


    if ($loop==$per_page) break;

endwhile; endif;

if ($loop==0) :

    echo '<p class="info">'.__('No products found which match your selection.', 'jigoshop').'</p>';

else :

    $found_posts = ob_get_clean();

    echo '<ul class="products">' . $found_posts . '</ul><div class="clear"></div>';



这是功能内容的 html:

<div class="entry-content">
<h1 class="description-title">WHY IS BOLI BETTER?</h1>
<div class="feature feature-item-248"><img class="main" src="" alt="" />
<div class="feature_description">
<div class="feature_description_header">
<h2 class="descript-heading">PERFECTLY WEIGHTED</h2>
<div class="feature_description_content">

Touch screens have simplified technology, but there has yet to be a way to capture the precision of a calligrapher or the stroke of an artist. Not only should it meet your needs, but a stylus should have style.

<div class="feature feature-item-252"><img class="main" src="" alt="" />
<div class="feature_description">
<div class="feature_description_header">
<h2 class="descript-heading">PEN-LIKE PRECISION</h2>
<div class="feature_description_content">

Your stylus should be as sharp as your ideas. The thin and clear disc gives you the accuracy you want in a digital pen.

<div class="feature feature-item-254">

<img class="main" src="" alt="" />
<div class="feature_description">
<div class="feature_description_header">
<h2 class="descript-heading">BALL POINT</h2>
<div class="feature_description_content">

Hold your stylus at the angle you’re most comfortable with. Jot gives you the freedom to write or sketch like you’re used to.

<div class="feature feature-item-256">

<img class="main" src="" alt="" />
<div class="feature_description">
<div class="feature_description_header">
<h2 class="descript-heading">HEAVY METAL</h2>
<div class="feature_description_content">

Once Jot is in your grip, the quality is unmistakable. The durable aluminum and steel gives Jot superior conductivity and craftsmanship comparable to any luxury pen.





echo '<ul class="products">' . $found_posts . '</ul><div class="clear"></div>';

这是商店的内容。如果您使用 Firebug 检查您的页面,您会注意到 ul.products,其中包含正在展示的 5 种产品(商店内容)。

之后要显示功能内容,您可以为静态数据创建一个 HTML 字符串并将其附加到上面的 echo 语句。例如。

$product_string = "";
$product_string = "<ul class='products'>" . $found_posts . "</ul><div class='clear'></div>";
$product_string .= "<div class='entry-content'><h1 class='description-title'>WHY IS BOLI BETTER?</h1>";

/* First Product */
$product_string .= "<div class='feature feature-item-248'><img class='main' src='' alt='' /><div class='feature_description'><div class='feature_description_header'><h2 class='descript-heading'>PERFECTLY WEIGHTED</h2></div><div class='feature_description_content'>Touch screens have simplified technology, but there has yet to be a way to capture the precision of a calligrapher or the stroke of an artist. Not only should it meet your needs, but a stylus should have style.</div></div></div>";

$product_string .= "</div>";


echo $product_string;


此外,您可以创建一个函数,该函数根据传递给它的特征项 ID 检索相关信息。您可以遍历产品并调用函数来为您生成 HTML 字符串,而不必手动创建它们。

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