jquery - 鼠标悬停改变出现的div的位置

标签 jquery css tooltip

我正在使用这个 jQuery this元素中的工具提示。

问题是当我有很多东西出现在隐藏的工具提示 (div) 中时。发生这种情况时,div 高度会变大,无法容纳在屏幕中,因此它会在屏幕下方,无法读取部分 div。

我想让 div 出现在鼠标指针的中间,而不是指针的右下角。



这是 jQuery 代码

   /*=========================Tooltip NOT MINE===================================*/
    //Select all anchor tag with rel set to tooltip
$('a[rel=tooltip]').mouseover(function() {

    //Grab the title attribute's value and assign it to a variable
    var tip = $(this).attr('title');    

    //Remove the title attribute's to avoid the native tooltip from the browser

    //Append the tooltip template and its value
    $(this).append('<div id="tooltip"><div class="tipHeader"></div><div class="tipBody">' + tip + '</div><div class="tipFooter"></div></div>');     

    //Show the tooltip with faceIn effect


}).mousemove(function(e) {

    //Keep changing the X and Y axis for the tooltip, thus, the tooltip move along with the mouse
    $('#tooltip').css('top', e.pageY + 10 );
    $('#tooltip').css('left', e.pageX + 20 );

}).mouseout(function() {

    //Put back the title attribute's value

    //Remove the appended tooltip template

     /*=========================Tooltip END===================================*/


   echo "<p class='resultInfo'><a rel='tooltip' class='tip' 
   title='<p    class=title>Information: </p><p>
   <span class=title>Knowledge</span><span>". $resultData['Knowledge'] ."<span     class=title>Competence: </span><span>". 
   $resultData['Competence'] ."<span class=title>
   Skills: </span><span>". $resultData['Skills'] ."</span>'>"
   . $resultData["Level"] . "<span class='icon'></span></a></p>";

如上所述,该脚本运行良好。唯一的问题是当回声输出有时太长并导致我的 div 工具提示扩展到屏幕高度时。所以我想把光标中间的div往上推




.mousemove(function(e) {

    //Keep changing the X and Y axis for the tooltip, thus, the tooltip move along with the mouse
    $('#tooltip').css('top', e.pageY + 10 );
    $('#tooltip').css('left', e.pageX + 20 );

.mousemove(function(e) {

    //Keep changing the X and Y axis for the tooltip, thus, the tooltip move along with the mouse
    $('#tooltip').css('top', e.pageY - 100 );
    $('#tooltip').css('left', e.pageX + 20 );


关于jquery - 鼠标悬停改变出现的div的位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10319164/


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