css - GWT 数据网格 : "Unable to find ImageResource method value("cellTableLoading")"when overriding styles

标签 css gwt datagrid

我试图像这里描述的那样覆盖 GWT DataGrid 组件的样式:

DataGrid / CellTable styling frustration -- overriding row styles


public interface DataGridResources extends DataGrid.Resources {
@Source({ DataGrid.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "myDataGrid.css" })
DataGrid.Style dataGrid();

public static final DataGridResources dataGridResources = 



static {


dataGrid = new DataGrid<User>(10, dataGridResources);


Rebinding xxx.DataGridResources
-Invoking generator com.google.gwt.resources.rebind.context.InlineClientBundleGenerator
--Creating assignment for dataGrid()
---Creating image sprite classes
----Unable to find ImageResource method value("cellTableLoading") in xxx.DataGridResources : Could not find no-arg method named cellTableLoading in type xxx.DataGridResources
--Generator 'com.google.gwt.resources.rebind.context.InlineClientBundleGenerator' threw an exception while rebinding 'xxx.DataGridResources'
-Deferred binding failed for 'xxx.DataGridResources'; expect subsequent failures



public interface Resources extends DataGrid.Resources {

  interface Style extends DataGrid.Style { }

  @Source(value = {DataGrid.Style.DEFAULT_CSS, "myDataGrid.css"})
  public Style dataGridStyle();

此外,您不需要调用 ensureInjected(),因为 DataGrid 会为您调用它。

无论如何,错误日志中有问题:它寻找 cellTableLoading 样式,它不是 DataGrid.Resources 接口(interface)的一部分(是 CellTable 的一部分.资源)。您是否在 myDataGrid.css 中留下了一些原始接口(interface)中未定义的虚假 CSS 类?

也许您已经从 CellTable 移动到 DataGrid,只是重命名了 css,但没有更改内部类名称。

关于css - GWT 数据网格 : "Unable to find ImageResource method value("cellTableLoading")"when overriding styles,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17452454/


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