html - 导航悬停按钮没有完全着色?

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当鼠标悬停在导航悬停按钮上时,导航悬停按钮没有完全着色。我尝试将宽度更改为 100%,我认为这会解决它,但事实并非如此。我试图寻找一些类似的问题和解决方案,但是我找到的所有解决方案都没有解决问题,所以我决定亲自询问。想法?


<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <title>Sunny Acres</title>
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            section > p:first-of-type:first-line {
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                <img src="salogo.png" alt="Sunny Acres" />
                <li><a href="home.htm">Home</a>
                <li><a href="maze.htm">Autumn Fun</a>
                <li><a href="haunted.htm">Scary Good</a>
                <li><a href="petting.htm">Meet the Animals</a>
                <li><a href="produce.htm">For your Tastebuds</a>
            <img src="photo1.jpg" alt="home page photo" id="promoimage" />
            <p id="firstp">There's always something happening at Sunny Acres. With the coming of fall, we're gearing up for our big AutumnFest and Farm Show. If you haven't visited our famous <a href="maze.htm">Corn Maze</a>, be sure to do so before it gets torn down on November 5. This year's maze is bigger and better than ever.</p>
            <p>Farms can be educational and Sunny Acres is no exception. Schools and home-schooling parents, spend an afternoon with us at our <a href="petting.htm">Petting Barn</a>. We have over 100 friendly farm animals in a clean environment. Kids can bottle feed the baby goats, lambs, and calves while they learn about nature and the farming life. Please call ahead for large school groups.</p>
            <p>When the sun goes down this time of year, we're all looking for a good fright. Sunny Acres provides that too with another year of the <a href="haunted.htm">Haunted Maze</a>. Please plan on joining us during weekends in October or on Halloween for our big Halloween Festival.</p>
            <p>Of course, Sunny Acres is, above all, a <em>farm</em>. Our <a href="produce.htm">Farm Shop</a> is always open with reasonable prices on great produce. Save even more money by picking your own fruits and vegetables from our orchards and gardens.</p>
            <p class="closing">We all hope to see you soon, down on the farm.
                <br />&mdash; Tammy &amp; Brent Nielsen</p>

                <li>Farm Shop: 9 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri; 9 am - 3 pm Sat</li>
                <li>The Corn Maze: 11 am - 9 pm Sat; 11 am - 5 pm Sun</li>
                <li>The Haunted Maze: 5 pm - 9 pm Fri &amp; Sat</li>
                <li>Petting Barn: 9 am - 4 pm Mon - Fri; 11 am - 3 pm Sat &amp; Sun</li>

                <li>From Council Bluffs, proceed east on I-80</li>
                <li>Take Exit 38 North to the Drake Frontage Road</li>
                <li>Turn right on Highway G</li>
                <li>Proceed east for 2.5 miles</li>
                <li>Sunny Acres is on your left; watch for the green sign</li>
        <footer> <address>
                Sunny Acres &nbsp;&#9728;&nbsp;
                Tammy &amp; Brent Nielsen &nbsp;&#9728;&nbsp;
                1977 Highway G &nbsp;&#9728;&nbsp;
                Council Bluffs, IA &nbsp;&nbsp; 51503



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<ul> 中删除填充并将其添加到 <li> here is the fiddle

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