ios - 获取总页数和当前页面 QuickLook

标签 ios swift quicklook qlpreviewcontroller

我正在使用“QLPreviewController”来显示文档文件 (pdf/doc)。 有什么方法可以获取总页数和当前页码吗?

或查看 pdf/doc 并获取页数的任何其他方式。 enter image description here

像“9 of 9”- 如何得到它


QuickLook 仅适用于外观伴侣。您可以从 CGPDFDocument 获取元数据

if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "yourFileNameHere", withExtension: "pdf"),
        let pdf = CGPDFDocument(url as CFURL) {
        let count = pdf.numberOfPages

对于 docx,尝试使用 carthage 安装 ZipZap:github "pixelglow/ZipZap""8.1"

    NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"demo" withExtension:@"docx"];
    ZZArchive* archive = [ZZArchive archiveWithURL:url error:nil];
    NSString *pageCount;
    for (ZZArchiveEntry* entry in archive.entries) {
    if([entry.fileName isEqualToString:@"docProps/app.xml"]) {
        NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: 
        [entry newDataWithError:nil] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        //Get the value between tag <Pages> and </Pages>
        NSRange tag1 = [responseString rangeOfString:@"<Pages>"];
        NSRange tag2 = [responseString rangeOfString:@"</Pages>"];
        pageCount = [responseString substringWithRange: 
        NSMakeRange((tag1.location + tag1.length), (tag2.location - tag1.length - tag1.location))];

这里是 docx 元数据的来源:

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