jQuery - 可拖动和调整大小

标签 jquery css jquery-ui jquery-ui-draggable jquery-ui-resizable




<div id="templateContainer">
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    var hexDigits = new Array

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var editing = false;
        $('.dragThis').each(function (i) {
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    function editIT(what) {
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    //Function to convert hex format to a rgb color
    function rgb2hex(rgb) {
        rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
        return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]);

    function hex(x) {
        return isNaN(x) ? "00" : hexDigits[(x - x % 16) / 16] + hexDigits[x % 16];

    function changeImage(what){
        jPrompt('Using the "Image Library" on the left you must first find the image in there and then make any transformation you want to the imate. Once you are happy with yout final image, copy the URL at the bottom of the transformation screen and paste it here:',what.children().attr('src'),'Update Image', function(e) {
            if(e && e != ''){
                what.children().attr('src', e);
                what.css('width', 'auto');
                what.css('height', 'auto');
            } else {
                if(!e && e == ''){
                    jAlert('Leaving this field blank will keep the default image..', 'Image');
                } else {
                    return false;



    function changeVideoImage(what){

        $('#changeVideoOrImageSection #newItemURL').val('');

    <div id="startDragging" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:1014px; height:1144px;background-color:#fff;">
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        <div id="contentBG" style="background-color:#005b7f; position: relative; left:32px; top:213px;height:471px;width:951px">
            <div id="area_7" class="dragThis" style="position: absolute; left: 203px; top: 2px; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 40px; overflow:hidden;" data-color-default="#FFF" data-font-default="Verdana" data-content-type="text"><div id="edit">This is your Primary Heading</div></div>
            <div id="area_8" class="dragThis" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 49px; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; overflow:hidden;" data-color-default="#FFF" data-font-default="Verdana" data-content-type="text"><div id="edit">Text Block #1 Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi</div></div>
            <div id="area_9" class="dragThis" style="position:absolute; left:562px; top:163px; width:385px; height:303px;" data-content-type="video-image"> <img id="Landing_Template2_12" src="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/tpl/landing_page_templates/Full_Page_Template/images/Landing_Template2_12.png" width="385" height="303" alt=""> </div>
            <div id="area_10" class="dragThis" style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 185px; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; font-size: 40px; overflow:hidden;" data-color-default="#e2e2e2" data-font-default="Verdana" data-content-type="text"><div id="edit">Heading #2</div></div>
            <div id="area_11" class="dragThis" style="position: absolute; left: 6px; top: 218px; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: left; font-size: 18px; overflow:hidden;" data-color-default="#FFF" data-font-default="Verdana" data-content-type="text"><div id="edit"><ul><li>Text block #2. Quis que tincidunt lectus vel enim</li><li>Donec cursus egestas adipiscing.</li><li>Vivamus aliquam erat non massa ullamcorper</li></ul><p>Quam erat non massa ullamcorper, vel pulvinar nibh lobortis.<br>Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.<br>Maecenas augue lorem, aliquam sit amet faucibus vel, gravida<br>fringilla sem. Fusce ullamcorper, risus at rhoncus eleifend, erat turpis<br>iaculis erat, vitae luctus dolor nisl sed mi. Maecenas cursus et lectus<br>sit amet cursus.</p></div></div>
        <div id="area_13" style="position:absolute; left:32px; top:684px; width:951px; height:15px;"> <img id="Landing_Template2_18" src="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/tpl/landing_page_templates/Full_Page_Template/images/Landing_Template2_18.png" width="951" height="15" alt=""> </div>
        <div id="area_14" class="dragThis" style="position: absolute; left: 212px; top: 701px; width: auto; height: auto; color: rgb(0, 91, 127); text-align: center; font-size: 40px; overflow:hidden;" data-color-default="#005b7f" data-font-default="Verdana" data-content-type="text"><div id="edit">Fill out the form below to sign up</div></div>
        <div id="area_15" class="dragThis" style="position:absolute;left:361px;top:757px;padding:20px;">
            <form method="post" id="optForm" action="https://jdvinnovations.locmktsys.com/optin.php">
                <div id="formArea" style="padding:10px;height:auto;border-radius: 5px;box-shadow: 0px 0px 25px #333;background-color:#FFF;">
                    <div id="formLeft" style="float:left;padding: 10px;"> <span style="padding:5px;font-size:14px;">
                        <label for="email">Email:<br />
                            <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="thisInput" value="">
                        </span> </div>
                    <div id="formRight" style="float:right;padding: 10px;"> </div>
                    <div id="formBottom" style="clear:both;text-align:center;">
                        <input type="submit" style="width: 75px;padding: 4px;   border: 1px solid #828282;  color: #828282;border-radius: 5px;font-family: Arial;font-size: 14px;" value="Submit">
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        <div id="area_16" style="position:absolute; left:32px; top:1109px; width:951px; height:35px;"> <img id="Landing_Template2_23" src="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/tpl/landing_page_templates/Full_Page_Template/images/Landing_Template2_23.png" width="951" height="35" alt=""> </div>

然后我在另一个 div 中的页面上有控件,允许用户更改文本颜色和字体大小等内容。

我已经从代码中删除了 .draggable('parnet'),因为它把一切都搞砸了。



我是 jquery 的半新手,它很复杂(我知道这并不复杂)。

任何东西都会有帮助.. 甚至指向教程或文档。




只是一个建议尝试调查 http://www.getuikit.com/index.html并以此为基础构建。他们有很多很棒的功能。

关于jQuery - 可拖动和调整大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21539621/


javascript - 检测不支持的浏览器版本并显示特定的 div 和消息

javascript - 随着时间的推移增加 setInterval 时间?

jquery - 如何使用不同的元素 id 标签调用相同的函数?

javascript - 动态创建文本框元素并绑定(bind)不同的模型

html - 是否可以使 div 背景具有不透明度但具有渐变的某些像素边界?

html - 穿过上传输入文本字段和所选文件按钮

jquery - 使用 JQuery 禁用页面滚动

css - 溢出 : hidden; and z-index aren't able to hide an element beneath it?

jquery - Dropzone 文件上传使用唯一名称

javascript - 使用 Google 将 jQuery 的 UI 插入页面