html - 在 AngularJS 的 ng-repeat 循环中显示特定元素的 div

标签 html css angularjs

我有下面的 HTML 代码和一个 div,它有 AngularJS 的 ng-repeat。 我想要做的是仅针对单击 div[id="arrow_up"] 的特定元素显示显示“您已经投票赞成此评论”的 div。此代码显示 div“您有 .. .."对于循环的所有元素,一旦单击。 还要求这个 div 应该在 5 秒间隔后消失。

    <div  class="col-xs-4"  ng-repeat="review in date_reviews track by $index">
         <div id="arrow_up" class="arrow-up" ng-mouseover="message_up = true" ng-mouseleave="message_up= false" ng-click="saveVote(review[0].review_id,1,$index);" ng-class="{vote_capture_top:voted_up && $index == selectedIndex}"></div>
         <div ng-show = "voted_msg_up" ng-class="{message:$index == selectedIndex}"> You have already voted for this review</div>
         <div class="message" ng-show="message_up">This review is helpful.</div>

下面是来自 Controller 的 saveVote 函数。

$scope.saveVote = function(review_id,type,index){
            email = $;
                method: 'POST',
                url: '/saveVote',
                data : {
                        "review_id" : review_id,
                        "vote_type" : type,
                        "emailId" : $,
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                // set the headers so angular passing info as form data (not request payload)
                }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                   $scope.selectedIndex = index;    
                   if(data == "already_voted"){
                    $scope.voted_up = false;
                    $scope.voted_down = false;
                    $scope.isDisabled = true;
                    if(type == 1) {

                        $scope.voted_msg_up = true;
                        $scope.voted_msg_down = false;
                    }else {
                        $scope.voted_msg_up = false;
                        $scope.voted_msg_down = true;

                   } else if(data == "success") {

                    if(type == 1) {
                        $scope.voted_up= true    
                    }else {
                        $scope.voted_down = true    
                }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                    $scope.status = status;



将 div 标签更改为以下内容,它使 div 出现在该特定元素上。

 <div ng-show = "voted_msg_up && $index == selectedIndex"> You have already voted for this  review</div>

但是如何在 5 秒后删除 div 仍然未知。

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