javascript - 如何根据 Jquery 中的鼠标位置拖动子对象?

标签 javascript jquery html css jquery-ui

我有一张可拖动的大 map ,可以查看 map 上的所有地点。但是我希望能够根据鼠标位置拖动它。



containment:[(parseInt($(".hk").width()) - parseInt($(".hkc").width())) * -1, 
(parseInt($(".hk").height()) - parseInt($(".hkc").height())) * -1, 0, 0], 
cursor: "move"

我的演示是 here


enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


    // Variables for current position
var x, y;

function handleMouse(e) {
  // Verify that x and y already have some value
  if (x && y) {
    // Scroll window by difference between current and previous positions
    window.scrollBy(e.clientX - x, e.clientY - y);

  // Store current position
  x = e.clientX;
  y = e.clientY;

// Assign handleMouse to mouse movement events
document.onmousemove = handleMouse;

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