javascript - 刷新时图像变化的顺序

标签 javascript html css

编辑:发现错误并修复它,而不是 colors.length,它应该是 theImages.length。感谢那些提供帮助的人。

每次刷新页面时,我一直在使用一个数组来按顺序更改我博客上的某些图像,我遇到了一个问题。例如,当您刷新我的页面时,图像 1A、1B 和 1C 变为 2A、2B 和 2C,依此类推。在使用这个数组为我的博客制作了大约 4 个不同的主题后,我正在制作一个包含 6 个不同图像的主题,这比我通常使用的要多。图像只有一组备用,因此当您刷新时,它会在各组之间来回切换。但是,图像在刷新时已停止更改,我坚持使用 this对于我的主题,当它应该在刷新时改变。有谁知道如何解决它?我附上了我使用过的代码,如果有人可以提供帮助,我将不胜感激。

<script type="text/javascript">

            function refreshSequence() {

            //get current cookie value
            var currentIndex = parseInt(getCookie());

            //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('SidebarIcon');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "https://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

            //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('SidebarPixel');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "https://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

             //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('SidebarGIF');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "http://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

            //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('SidebarBG');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "http://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

            //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('NavIcon');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "https://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

            //get image object
            var myImg = document.getElementById('SideThing');

            //declare image directory path and image array
            var thePath = "http://";
            var theImages = ["", ""]

            var imgPath = thePath + theImages[currentIndex];
            myImg.src = imgPath;

            //set next cookie index
            currentIndex += 1;
            currentIndex %= colors.length;

        function setCookie(someint) {
            var now = new Date();
            var addDays = now.getDate() + 7
            now.setDate(addDays); // cookie expires in 7 days
            var theString = 'imgID=' + escape(someint) + ';expires=' + now.toUTCString();
            document.cookie = theString;

        function getCookie() {
            var output = "0";
            if(document.cookie.length > 0) {
                var temp = unescape(document.cookie);
                temp = temp.split(';');
                for(var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
                    if(temp[i].indexOf('imgID') != -1) {
                        temp = temp[i].split('=');
                        output = temp.pop();
            return output;


<body onload="refreshSequence();">

<img id="SidebarIcon">
<img id="SidebarGIF"> etc etc


Chrome 开发者工具显示你有这一行: = background;

并且您没有定义变量 background,因此代码中断。你删除这条线。 对于 cookie 操作,最好使用 MDN 的 library .

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