css - 超过所需大小的链接

标签 css


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  a.Forum {  
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 #Blog {
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      width: 102px;
      height: 65px;
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 a.Blog { 
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      letter-spacing: 1px;
      color: #D2C300;
      line-height: 65px;
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  a.Guilds { 
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      background-size: cover;

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 #TeamUp {
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      position: relative;
      margin: 0 auto;
      top: -23px;
      left: 320px;

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     background: url(../images/tri-button%20texture.jpg) repeat left top;


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    height: 88px;
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#G6 {
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#ContentSmallBreak {
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首先,您在 CSS 中使用了太多无效的定位规则。您不需要手动添加那些左、上和右位置,只是为了将链接放在适当的位置。

您可能希望将菜单包装在容器中,将其与具有 float 属性的 Logo 一起放置。


.container {
  width: 80%;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow: hidden;
.wrap-menu {
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

#HeaderContainer a {
  display: inline-block;
  float: left;
#HeaderContainer a > div,
  right: auto !important; /* only to overwrite your hosted css */
  top: auto !important; /* only to overwrite your hosted css */
  left: auto !important; /* only to overwrite your hosted css */
  display: inline-block;
  float: left;  

/* Only for previews */
  min-width: 1200px;

  min-width: 1024px;  
<link href="http://test.crows-perch.com/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="page">
  <div id="TopLinks">
    <div id="Links">
      <a href="">Game Media |</a>
      <a href="">Our Team |</a>
      <a href="">The Spiral |</a>
      <a href="">Sign in/Join</a>
  <div id="HeaderContainer">
    <div class="container">
      <div id="title">
        <a href="/">
          <img src="http://test.crows-perch.com/images/title_g-u5076.png" alt="">
      <div class="wrap-menu">
        <a href="/" class="Home">
          <div id="Home">
            <div id="HomeT">HOME</div>
        <a href="/" class="Guides">
          <div id="Guides">
            <div id="GuidesT">GUIDES</div>
        <a href="/" class="Forum">
          <div id="Forum">
            <div id="ForumT">FORUM</div>
        <a href="/" class="Blog">
          <div id="Blog">
            <div id="BlogT">BLOG</div>
        <a href="/" class="Guilds">
          <div id="Guilds">
            <div id="GuildsT">GUILDS</div>
        <a href="/" class="Play">
          <div id="Play">
            <div id="PlayT">PLAY NOW</div>
  <div id="Top-Gradient">
  <div id="PictureContainer-top">

关于css - 超过所需大小的链接,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28788017/


css - 使用不同的图像和 CSS 创建按钮

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javascript - TR ID 元素可以通过 jQuery 验证显示和隐藏吗?

CSS三 Angular 形如何去除右边的空白

css - 如何嵌套 Bootstrap 崩溃

html - 在移动设备上制作表格显示堆栈

css - Tumblr 图片调整大小/裁剪以适合

jquery - 无法复制效果

jQuery 动画不够流畅