javascript - 我如何修改这个 smarty 模板,以便它只对所有类别使用一个 <ul>?

标签 javascript html css smarty prestashop

这是我在 prestashop 中使用的模块的 smarty 模板。它使用 <ul>对于每个类别.. 并且该类别的每个元素都在 <li> 中.

{assign var=zItem value=0}
{if isset($isian) AND $isian}
        {foreach from=$isian item=cat name=productCat}
    {assign var=zItem value=$zItem+1}

        {if isset($products) && $products}
                    {counter name=active_ul assign=active_ul}
                    {include file="$style" class='homefeatured tab-pane' id='prodcat' active=$active_ul}

            <p>{l s='No featured products' mod='prodcat'}</p>

Items 已经正确显示,它是 inline-block float left。我希望图片中的第三项紧挨着第二项,但它们不是,因为它们属于不同的 <ul>enter image description here

我如何编辑 smarty 模板,以便它只将所有元素放在一个中 <ul>不管他们属于什么类别?

或者不用<ul> and <li>完全.. 只是 div.. 只要第三项动态地紧挨着第二项。

如果有帮助,下面是 tab.tpl 文件 =/

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    *}am using in prestashop. It uses a <ul> for every category.. and each item for that category is in a <li>.

{assign var=z
<li><a class="homefeatured">{l s='By Category' mod='prodcat'}</a></li>



var cnt = $(".homefeatured").contents();

$('.last-in-line, .last-item-of-tablet-line ,.first-item-of-mobile-line').removeClass('.last-in-line, .last-item-of-tablet-line ,.first-item-of-mobile-line');

$('.last-in-line, .last-item-of-tablet-line ,.first-item-of-mobile-line').removeClass('last-in-line last-item-of-tablet-line first-item-of-mobile-line');



$('.first-in-line , .first-item-of-tablet-line').removeClass('first-in-line first-item-of-tablet-line');


$('.ajax_block_product').wrapAll('<ul id="prodcat" class="product_list grid row homefeatured tab-pane" />');

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