javascript - 使用 JavaScript 和 HTML5 在字符串的特定单词中 href

标签 javascript html css

我正在尝试使用 li、ul、a 和 href 显示 HTML 页面中的 var fruits(数组)的内容,用于特定单词(不是所有文本)。

例如,对于句子 I want a link here 我只想要单词 here 的链接,但我不知道该怎么做...


// selects the div with an id of placeholder
var div = document.getElementById('placeholder');

// say that fruits contains all your data
var fruits = ['I want a link here','I want a link here','I want a link here','I want a link here','I want a link here'],
    ul = document.createElement('ul'); // create an arbitrary ul element

// loop through the fruits array
for(var i in fruits) {
        // create an arbitrary li element
    var li = document.createElement('li'),
         content = document.createTextNode(fruits[i]); // create a textnode to the document
         var link = "";
         var element = document.createElement("a");
         element.setAttribute("href", link);
         element.innerHTML = fruits[i];

  li.appendChild(element); // append the created textnode above to the li element
  ul.appendChild(li); // append the created li element above to the ul element

div.appendChild(ul); // finally the ul element to the div with an id of placeholder




var div = document.getElementById('placeholder');

// say that fruits contains all your data
var fruits = ['I want a link <a href="#">here</a>','I want a link here','I want a link here','I want a link here','I want a link here'],
    ul = document.createElement('ul'); // create an arbitrary ul element

// loop through the fruits array
for(var i in fruits) {
        // create an arbitrary li element
    var li = document.createElement('li'),
         content = document.createTextNode(fruits[i]); // create a textnode to the document
         var link = "";
         var element = document.createElement("span");

         element.innerHTML = fruits[i];

  li.appendChild(element); // append the created textnode above to the li element
  ul.appendChild(li); // append the created li element above to the ul element

div.appendChild(ul); // finally the ul element to the div with an id of placeholder


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