android - (31,16) : error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `(' , 期望 `)' 、 `,' 、 `;' 、 `[' 或 `='

标签 android css unity-game-engine compiler-errors unityscript

我的脚本用于暂停和取消暂停游戏对象。我有两个相同的错误 (31,16): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol (', expecting)', ,',;', [' , 或者='


    using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class star : MonoBehaviour {
GameObject[] pauseObjects;

    void Start () {
    pauseObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");

void Pause(){

IENumerator waitToUnpause(){
  //do the thing to pause game
  Time.timeScale = 7f;//or some other method
  yield return new WaitForSeconds(7);///or any duration you want
  Time.timeScale = 1f;//or some other method

void pauseGameobject()

 timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
if(timeLeft < 0)

start coroutine("wait");



public ienumenator wait()


time.timescale = 0;

yield return new waitforsceonds(7);

time.timesale = 1;

void pauseGameobject()


if(timerleft < 0)


start coroutine("wait");



public ienumenator wait()


time.timescale = 0;

yield return new waitforsceonds(7);

time.timesale = 1;





using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections;

public class Star : MonoBehaviour {
    GameObject[] pauseObjects;

    // I guess this variable is meant to be a field
    // it is never set to any initial value!
    float timeLeft;

    void Start () {
        pauseObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");

    void Pause(){

    IEnumerator WaitToUnpause(){
        //do the thing to pause game
        Time.timeScale = 7f;//or some other method
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(7);///or any duration you want
        Time.timeScale = 1f;//or some other method

    void PauseGameobject()

        timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
        if(timeLeft < 0)




    public IEnumerator Wait()


        Time.timeScale = 0;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(7);

        Time.timeScale = 1;


// The following code is nearly a duplicate of the above two functions

//  void PauseGameobject()
//  {
//      if(timeleft < 0)
//      {
    //          StartCoroutine(Wait());
//      }
//  }
//  public IEnumerator Wait()
//  {
//      Time.timeScale = 0;
//      yield return new WaitForSeconds(7);
//      Time.timeScale = 1;
//  }


关于android - (31,16) : error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `(' , 期望 `)' 、 `,' 、 `;' 、 `[' 或 `=',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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