html - Bootstrap 列在 ipad 肖像中向下并超出容器

标签 html css twitter-bootstrap media-queries

我正在尝试并排对齐 4 个 Bootstrap 列。在 ipad 横向 View 中,它们是两两并排的。但是在 ipad 肖像上,第三列下降了。我花了太多时间试图让它正常工作,但没有任何运气。


@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device- width: 1024px) {
  .cv-box {
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
    margin-bottom: 50px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    margin-right: 15px;
    margin-left: 15px;
    float: left !important;
    width: 45% !important;
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 text-center">
    <h1 class="team-lead" id="team">The Team</h1>
  <div class="container the-team">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>


我现在只使用 col-xs-12 col-md-3,所以这在较小的 View 中看起来没问题,但您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到较大 View 的持续问题。

这是问题的屏幕截图,如您所见,其中一列被推到其他列的下方。 enter image description here


容器应该在 class="row"之前。列 team-load 应该有自己的行。

<div class="container the-team">
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 text-center">
    <h1 class="team-lead" id="team">The Team</h1>
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

    <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-3  cv-box">

      <img src="/assets/BOS.jpg" class="portfolio-img img-responsive">
      <p class="cv">ntelligentsia mumblecore ethical yr, four dollar toast cliche hexagon waistcoat kinfolk. Enamel pin chia tumeric trust fund. Fap sriracha hot chicken, squid affogato brunch pok pok chicharrones normcore la croix typewriter offal fam pabst umami.
        Helvetica activated charcoal whatever, butcher air plant kale chips scenester before they sold out mustache kitsch authentic bespoke fashion axe meggings.</p>

关于html - Bootstrap 列在 ipad 肖像中向下并超出容器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


css - 如何摆脱 CSS nav 元素边框之间的空格?

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javascript - onload 使用 bootstrap 打开模态弹出窗口?

javascript - 获取同一类的多个下拉列表的选定索引

javascript - Node.js 向客户端发送文件

html - 如果内容太长,我的页脚将不会留在底部

html - Bootstrap 行列说明

javascript - 捕获鼠标离开 body 元素越过顶部边界

html - 选择并将内容插入到带有 :before with class name does not work 的链接

javascript - 如何在不知道宽度的情况下居中对齐 div?