javascript - 根据内容使用动态宽度的 Bootstrap 弹出窗口

标签 javascript jquery html css twitter-bootstrap

我已经创建了 Bootstrap 模式,并通过 AJAX 附加了一些 html...


width: 'auto'; //it looks as in Screenshot
width: 100%;   //it takes whole page width



var PopupHelper = {
  Show: function () {
    var qAjax = new AjaxHelper("/Services/Service.asmx/GetCurrentPopupContent");
    qAjax.OnSuccess = function (data) {
      $('#popup-Model').css({ 'width' : 'auto','overflow': 'auto' });
<!--Popup Window -->
<div class="modal fade" id="popup-Model" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-top:-10px !important">&times;</button>
      <div class="modal-body" id="popup_content">
    <!-- /.modal-content -->
  <!-- /.modal-dialog -->
<!--Popup Window -->

如何根据 modal-body 中的内容设置模态宽度?

NOTE: modal HTML shown in image can vary



由于您已经在使用 javascript 来呈现此模式,因此将 modal-dialog 宽度设置为与您的内容相同的宽度会更容易。仅使用 CSS 很难做到这一点,因为 modal-dialog 具有固定宽度(因屏幕尺寸而异)。

setTimeout(() => {     
  //change div:first-child to whatever your first child is 
  var width = $("#popup_content div:first-child").width() + 30; //Padding
  $(".modal .modal-dialog").css({ 'width' : width+'px' });
}, 0); //Maybe you'll need a longer timeout because of css transitions

working example

在 OP 案例中担任:

var qAjax = new AjaxHelper("/Services/Service.asmx/GetCurrentPopupContent");
qAjax.OnSuccess = function (data) {
$("#popup_content").html('<div class="test-div">' + data + '</div>');
setTimeout(function () {
    //change div:first-child to whatever your first child is 
    var width = $("#popup_content div:first-child").width() + 50; //padding
    $(".modal-dialog").css({ 'width': width + 'px' });
    $('#popup-Model').css({ 'overflow': 'auto' });
}, 500);

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