swift - Swift 协议(protocol)元类型的运行时比较

标签 swift swift2

我正在尝试将 Swift 协议(protocol)与实现动态匹配,但我在尝试在运行时执行协议(protocol)比较时遇到了阻碍 - 似乎协议(protocol)在运行时可能并不存在?


var protocols[Any]

func findProtocol(aProtocol: Any) -> Bool {
    // Nope, protocols don't implement equatable
    aProtocol == protocols[0]

    // Doesn't work, unsafeAddressOf() only applies to AnyObjects
    let pointer: UnsafePointer = unsafeAddressOf(aProtocol) 




如果您知道比较类型本身,您应该使用更合适的类型 (Any.Type):

var protocolArray: [Any.Type] = [...]

func findProtocol(aProtocol: Any.Type) -> Bool {
    // you can do that because Any.Type has an == operator
    return protocolArray.contains{ $0 == aProtocol }

对于 Any 类型,你必须转换它:

var protocolArray: [Any] = [...]

func findProtocol(aProtocol: Any) -> Bool {
    return protocolArray.contains{
        if let p1 = $0 as? Any.Type, p2 = aProtocol as? Any.Type {
            return p1 == p2
        return false

关于swift - Swift 协议(protocol)元类型的运行时比较,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31976567/


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