ios - 具有多个原型(prototype)单元格的 Collection View 以及在 MVVM 下处理它们的通用方法

标签 ios swift mvvm uicollectionview

我们目前正在为一个项目建立架构,我很难想象一个完整的解决方案来解决这个问题。 所以我们目前有一个包含多个动态原型(prototype)的 Collection View ,我们为每个单元格将其中一个原型(prototype)子类化。我想知道我们是否可以按照以下方式做一些事情

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    var cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: viewModel.reuseIdentifierForIndexPath(indexPath), for: indexPath)
    //update cell here in a generic way based on the class of this cell (we have this information)
    return cell


if indexPath.row == 0 { 
//do stuff for this specific cell 

内部方法如 collectionView(_:cellForItemAt:)/collectionView(_:didSelectItemAt:),同时也符合 MVVM 模式。


您可以对单元格本身使用 MVVM 模式。所以每个单元格都会有自己的 viewModel。然后你可以使用类似下面的代码:

class ViewModel {

    func reuseIdentifier(for indexPath: IndexPath) -> String {

    func cellViewModel(for indexPath: IndexPath) -> BaseCellViewModel {


class BaseCellViewModel {

class CellAViewModel: BaseCellViewModel {

class CellBViewModel: BaseCellViewModel {

class CellA: UICollectionViewCell {
    var viewModel: CellAViewModel! {
        didSet {
            //update UI

class CellB: UICollectionViewCell {
    var viewModel: CellBViewModel! {
        didSet {
            //update UI


class ViewController: UIViewController {


    var viewModel: ViewModel = ViewModel()

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let reuseIdentifier = viewModel.reuseIdentifier(for: indexPath)
        let cell =
        collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath)
        //update cell here in a generic way based on the class of this cell (we have this information)
        configure(cell: cell, indexPath: indexPath)
        return cell

    func configure(cell: UICollectionViewCell, indexPath: IndexPath) {
        switch cell {
        case let cell as CellA:
            cell.viewModel = viewModel.cellViewModel(for: indexPath) as! CellAViewModel
        case let cell as CellB:
            cell.viewModel = viewModel.cellViewModel(for: indexPath) as! CellBViewModel
            fatalError("Unkown cell type")



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