docker - 在 Dockerfile 中找不到 ssh-keyscan

标签 docker

我有一个简单的 Dockerfile,如下所示:

FROM ubuntu:14.04

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade

RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh
RUN touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts

RUN ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts


docker build -no-cache -t testimage .


Step 5 : RUN ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
 ---> Running in e11ef5962a11
/bin/sh: 1: ssh-keyscan: not found


您需要先安装 ssh。

RUN  apt-get -yq update && \
     apt-get -yqq install ssh

然后,各种 ssh 命令,包括 ssh-keyscan 将可用。

这就是我在 sshd image Dockerfile 中所做的。 .
我用它来add localhost to my .ssh/known_hosts为了在 sshd 服务器上进行本地测试。

作为 commented belowpjotr-dolphin :

If you are only after ssh-keyscan, openssh-client has smaller footprint than ssh package.

其实,package openssh-clients for RedHat/CentOS ,如 commentedOleg Neumyvakin

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