html - tr 单元格宽度根据父表头宽度

标签 html css bootstrap-4

我想根据父表格标题扩展内部表格单元格宽度 我试过了,但是我如何根据父标题单元格给出内部表格单元格宽度。

enter image description here

我用 boottrap 尝试了什么

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table table-sm table-bordered block-table">
      <th style="width: 15%">Serial Number</th>
      <th>Mac. Address</th>
      <th>Batch No.</th>
      <th>Std Pkg</th>
      <th>Start Range</th>
      <!-- <th>Assigned Quantity</th> -->
      <ng-container *ngFor="let inventory of inventoryList;let i=index">
        <tr style="cursor: pointer;" (click)="toggleProductEntryTable(i)">
          <td>{{i + 1}} </td>
          <td> {{inventory?.displayString}} </td>
          <td>{{inventory?.uomString}} </td>
          <td colspan="7" style="padding: 0px">
              <tr style="display: table-header-group" *ngFor="let productEntry of inventory.inventories;let proEnt=index">
                <td style="display: table-cell;min-width: 160px"> {{productEntry?.subDetail?.serialNo}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.inventory?.date}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.subDetail?.macAddress}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.subDetail?.batchNo}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.checkoutDetail?.consumed - productEntry?.checkoutDetail?.assignedCount}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.subDetail?.standardPackingQuntity}}</td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.checkoutDetail?.startRange}} </td>
                <td style="display: table-cell;"> {{productEntry?.checkoutDetail?.endRange}} </td>
.block-table {
  display: table;
  overflow-x: scroll;
  max-height: 448px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;


将 colspan="2"添加到您希望它跨越的列数(在您的情况下看起来像 10)

<!DOCTYPE html>

    td {
      border: 1px solid black;


      <th>Monthly Savings</th>
      <td colspan="2">January</td>
      <td colspan="2">February</td>



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