ios - 如何使用对象映射器解析以下 JSON

标签 ios swift objectmapper


[{ "start_hour": "08:00:00", "end_hour": "10:00:00", “call_duration”:“30” }]


class DoctorAvailablityResponseData: Mappable {
var startDateHour : String?
var callDuration : Int?
var endDateHour : String?
required init?(_ map: Map){


func mapping(map: Map) {
    callDuration <- map["call_duration"]
    endDateHour <- map["end_hour"]
    startDateHour <- map["start_hour"]


let user = Mapper<ResponseDoctorAvailablity>().map(response.result.value)

但它在解析时中断,发现 nil 值。


您的数据类型错误。您需要提供“DoctorAvailablityResponseData”,但您提供了 ResponseDoctorAvailablity 用于映射。

    let user = Mapper<ResponseDoctorAvailablity>().map(response.result.value)


    class Doctor: Mappable {
        var startDateHour : String?
        var callDuration : String?
        var endDateHour : String?
        required init?(_ map: Map){


        func mapping(map: Map) {
            callDuration <- map["call_duration"]
            endDateHour <- map["end_hour"]
            startDateHour <- map["start_hour"]


    // Sample Response
    let response : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary.init(object: "08:00:00", forKey: "start_hour");
    response.setValue("10:00:00", forKey: "end_hour");
    response.setValue("30", forKey: "call_duration");

    // Convert response result to dictionary type. It is very easy.
    let userdic = Mapper<Doctor>().map(response) // Map to correct datatype.

    // If you result is nested object. you will easily get zero index position object and parse it.
    let nestedObjectArray :NSArray = NSArray.init(array: [response]);

    let userArray = Mapper<Doctor>().map(nestedObjectArray[0])


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