ios - 来自 UNNotificationSound 的声音名称

标签 ios swift audio push-notification swift3

我正在使用 CloudKit 中的推送通知。这是我在 Swift 3 之前使用的:

notification.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName

(通知是一个 CKNotificationInfo)


'UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName' was deprecated in iOS 10.0: Use UserNotifications Framework's +[UNNotificationSound defaultSound]

所以我将 UserNotification 框架添加到我的 Xcode 项目中,并将其导入到我的 ViewController 中。然后我尝试了这个:

notification.soundName = UNNotificationSound.default()


Cannot assign value of type 'UNNotificationSound' to type 'String?'

所以默认声音是 UNNotificationSound,但我需要声音名称。如何从声音中获取声音名称?谢谢!


使用新的 UserNotifications 框架:

import UserNotifications

let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default()

let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "id", content: content, trigger: nil)

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