html - 无序列表未出现在网页上

标签 html css


我已经尝试更改样式代码并重新排列 html 代码以使其正常工作,但它仍然没有出现在页面上的任何位置。

<p class="instructions">
Click on one of the fruits to go to its corresponding <br /> web page.
<p class="descbox2">
Clicking on the left Cherry will send you to a web page about how to grow 
Cherry trees.
<br /><br />
Clicking the grapes will take you to a web page on how to grow Raisins.
<br /><br />
Clicking the triangular Watermelon piece will send you to a web page 
for<br />
different ways to cut Watermelon.
<br /><br />
Clicking the Orange will send you to a web page about how to grow Orange 
<br /><br />
Clicking the Pineapple will take you to a web page about how to grow 
Pineapples from its top.
<br /><br />
Clicking the Strawberry will take you to a web page for Froberg's Farm 
located<br />
in Alvin,TX to pick your own Strawberries.
<br /><br />
If image links aren't working click the links below to go to the web 
pages used.
<li><a href=" 
trees/cherry-trees" Cherry Trees </a></li>
<img src="Images/fruitclipart.jpg" alt="Clipart of fruit" 


您在开始 a 标签中遗漏了结束标签 >


<li><a href=" 
trees/cherry-trees" Cherry Trees </a></li>


<p class="instructions">
Click on one of the fruits to go to its corresponding <br /> web page.
<p class="descbox2">
Clicking on the left Cherry will send you to a web page about how to grow 
Cherry trees.
<br /><br />
Clicking the grapes will take you to a web page on how to grow Raisins.
<br /><br />
Clicking the triangular Watermelon piece will send you to a web page 
for<br />
different ways to cut Watermelon.
<br /><br />
Clicking the Orange will send you to a web page about how to grow Orange 
<br /><br />
Clicking the Pineapple will take you to a web page about how to grow 
Pineapples from its top.
<br /><br />
Clicking the Strawberry will take you to a web page for Froberg's Farm 
located<br />
in Alvin,TX to pick your own Strawberries.
<br /><br />
If image links aren't working click the links below to go to the web 
pages used.
<li><a href=" 
trees/cherry-trees"> Cherry Trees </a></li>
<img src="Images/fruitclipart.jpg" alt="Clipart of fruit" 

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