swift - Carthage更新后无法找到接口(interface)声明错误Xcode 10.2

标签 swift xcode carthage

我在将 myxcode 更新到 10.2 后更新了 carthage,我收到了 Carthage 框架类未找到的警报。

Cannot find interface declaration for 'ChartMarkerImage', superclass of 'BalloonMarker' ?


enter image description here

但该文件在 Carthage 框架中可用。 enter image description here



Set toolchain to SWIFT_4_2 but no luck.
Added #import <chart/chart.h> in pch file still getting error.


是迦太基 issue .固定版本即将推出

UPD:版本 0.33.0 https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/releases/tag/0.33.0

关于swift - Carthage更新后无法找到接口(interface)声明错误Xcode 10.2,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55417518/


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