javascript - 设置根元素时,IntersectionObserver 无法检测到交叉点

标签 javascript html css vue.js intersection-observer

我有一个 IntersectionObserver 观察一个 img,当根设置为 null(视口(viewport))时它工作得很好。但是,当我将根元素设置为另一个 img 元素时,观察者无法检测到两者之间的交集。经过数小时的调试后,我决定向社区寻求帮助。

可以找到代码in this file来自公共(public)仓库


    class="flex flex-col content-center justify-center items-center mt-16"
    style="height: calc(100% - 4rem)"
    <div id="trigger1"></div>
    <div class="mb-6 mt-32 inset-x-auto">
        class="w-48 relative left-auto inset-y-auto"
        alt="Logo used in the center of the home page"
    <div class="inset-x-auto absolute">
        class="font-h text-4xl relative"
        style="top: 24rem;"
      >Everything begins with an idea.</h1>
    <div class data-depth="0.45">
        style="top: 23rem; transform: scale(1.2, 1.2);"
        class="w-full relative hidden"
        alt="the forgoround is a picture of a ground covered with leafs"
    <div class data-depth="0.5">
        style="top: 38rem; transform: scale(1.2, 1.2);"
        class="w-full relative opacity-25"
        alt="then there is a picture of the underground"

import Parallax from 'parallax-js'
import disintegrate from 'disintegrate'

export default {
  // head() {
  //   return {
  //     script: [{ src: '' }]
  //   }
  // },
  // data() {
  //   return {
  //     initialized: false
  //   }
  // },
  components: {},
  mounted() {
    /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, nuxt/no-env-in-hooks */
    // excute deligters
    // prepare parallex scene
    const parallaxScene = document.getElementById('scene')
    const parallaxInstance = new Parallax(parallaxScene)
    // scroll magic
    // init controller
    const ScrollMagic = require('scrollmagic')
    const controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller()
    const scrollScene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
      triggerElement: '#trigger1',
      duration: 570,
      triggerHook: 0, // don't trigger until #pinned-trigger1 hits the top of the viewport
      reverse: true
      .setClassToggle('#tagline', 'text-blur-out') // add class toggle

    // creating promises to make sure the scene is loaded and initialized
    const loaded = new Promise((resolve) => {
      window.addEventListener('disesLoaded', resolve)
    const initialized = new Promise((resolve) => {
      window.addEventListener('disesLoaded', resolve)
    Promise.all([loaded, initialized]).then(() => {
      if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) {
        console.log('ALL SET')
        const options = {
          root: document.querySelector('#underground'), // relative to underground element
          rootMargin: '-125px 0px 0px 0px', // margin around root. Values are similar to css property. Unitless values not allowed
          threshold: [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] // visible amount of item shown in relation to root
        const observer = new IntersectionObserver((changes, observer) => {
          changes.forEach((change) => {
            console.log('TCL: desintegrate -> change.intersectionRatio', change.intersectionRatio)
            const e = document.querySelector('[data-dis-type="simultaneous"]')
            const disObj = disintegrate.getDisObj(e)
          console.log('TCL: mounted -> observer', observer)
        }, options)

.debug {
  background-color: red;
  width: 100%;
  height: 2px;

#logo {
  pointer-events: all;
.scrollmagic-pin-spacer > img {
.text-blur-out {
  animation: text-blur-out 1s alternate both;

/* ----------------------------------------------
 * Generated by Animista on 2019-7-7 16:39:35
 * w:, t: @cssanimista
 * ---------------------------------------------- */

 * ----------------------------------------
 * animation text-blur-out
 * ----------------------------------------
@keyframes text-blur-out {
  0% {
    filter: blur(0.01);
  100% {
    filter: blur(12px) opacity(0%);


我认为你的问题是你的 underground 图像不是 logo 图像的后代(而且永远不可能是因为图像不能有祖先)

如果您查看 w3c documentation for IO您将看到以下内容:

An IntersectionObserver with a root Element can observe any target Element that is a descendant of the root in the containing block chain.


关于javascript - 设置根元素时,IntersectionObserver 无法检测到交叉点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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