python - 如何在 Django 中将行调整为列?

标签 python html css django

我在 index.html 中做了一个循环,我在 views.html 中添加了图片,每当我运行代码时,所有的图片都会出现在行中。我希望它出现在列中。我怎么能那样做?
    def index(request):
    dest1 = Destination()
    dest1.desc = 'Hello, How are you?'
    dest1.img = '01.jpg'

    dest2 = Destination()
    dest2.desc = 'Hello, HOw are you?'
    dest2.img = '02.jpg'

    dests1 = [dest1, dest2]
    return render(request, 'index.html',{'dests1':dests1})

    {% static 'images/fulls' as baseUrl %}
    {% static 'images/thumbs' as hiUrl %}
    {% for dest1 in dests1 %}
    <a href="{{baseUrl}}/{{dest1.img}}">
        <img src="{{hiUrl}}/{{dest1.img}}" alt="" />



<div class="row">
{% for dest1 in dests1 %}
<div class="col-lg-4">
    <a href="{{baseUrl}}/{{dest1.img}}">
        <img src="{{hiUrl}}/{{dest1.img}}" alt="" />

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